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now [2022/09/14 15:59] – [Samling/Gathering III] signenow [2024/03/18 12:44] – [Plantesanking/Edible plant gathering] jiska
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-Paviljong Våtmark finner sted i Østensjøvannets naturreservat sine randsoner mellom mai og oktober 2022. +Paviljong Våtmark finner sted i Østensjøvannets naturreservat sine randsoner mellom mai og oktober 2022. Fram mot 2024 jobber gruppen med en publikasjon og for å utvikle [[artotek|Våtmarksbiblioteket]]
-//Pavilion Wetland is taking place in the bordering zones to Østensjøvannet nature reserve between May and October 2022.// +//Pavilion Wetland is taking place in the bordering zones to Østensjøvannet nature reserve between May and October 2022. The group is currrently developing [[artotek|The Wetland Library]] and a publication to be launched in 2024  // 
 +====SPRING MEETING 2023 ==== 
 +====PAVILION WETLAND 13.- 15. OCTOBER 2022 ==== 
 +Documentation of the three days in October when works of the Pavilion Wetland-artists were shown at various places in the area around Østensjøvannet nature reserve.  
 +====Andrea Bakketun==== 
 +**Andrea Bakketun′s** work is a “kaleidoscopic guide” where one audience member at a time receives a backpack and a guide book that leads them towards a hidden cavity. Through the instructions and texts in the book as well as the kit for explorations found in the backpack, the audience is offered a multitude of entry points to access the place′s past and present. \\ 
 +Photo credits: Frank Holtschlag 
 +====Geir Tore Holm==== 
 +With a view over the Østensjøvannet lake you find a human scale birdhouse made by **Geir Tore Holm**. On the inside, the walls of the house are painted with egg tempura and a palette of the colors based on the birds that are most present at the lake: the great crested grebe, mallard, tufted duck, eurasian coot, ruff, black-headed gull, swan, sedge warbler and woodpigeon. There is space for two people to sit inside and watch the life at the lake through two round holes in the wall. \\    
 +Photo credits: Frank Holtschlag 
 +====Søssa Jørgensen==== 
 +**Søssa Jørgensen** installed four rhythmic instruments in Bogerudbekken, one of the small streams leading water into the wetland. The instruments are inspired by Japanese shishi-odoshi and operated by the water. They are sensitive to the ever-changing flow in the stream, which constantly changes the rhythm. \\ 
 +Photo credits: Frank Holtschlag 
 +The artist duo **KVAE&BARK** made a performance based on their observations of the plants in the zones bordering the wetland nature reserve. They have developed a hybrid wearable for this area: a combination of a site sensitive flora, a tool and a jacket. During the performance, the audience got presented a poetic menu including the act of picking and stories around the plants they used. We got to taste: a bouquet of stinging nettle, sorrel, ground-ivy and yarrow; a sauce of pine cone shoots, horseradish and yarrow, topped with a sprinkle of fried nettle and powdered porcini mushrooms.  \\ 
 +Photo credits: Michael Miller 
 +====Marie Nerland==== 
 +**Marie Nerland** has been taking the football field bordering the bog of Bogerud as the starting point for a guided tour through the area. Here and on different spots along the route, performer Mariama Slåttøy read fragments of histories, creating a patchwork of connections.\\ 
 +Photo credits: Michael Miller 
 +Credits for photos under: Frank Holtschlag\\ 
 +====Randi Nygård==== 
 +**Randi Nygård** has created an instrument for The Pavilion Wetland named the "Natursynskikkert" which could be translated into "Natureview-binoculars". With a piece of wood and a modulated mirror at it´'s base, one or two audiences can borrow the instrument and observe their surrounding through it. Nygård has carved a tree-like shape into the middle of the mirror, making a pattern of transparent glass, blending the vision of what and whom you are looking at. Alongside the instrument, the audience gets a wearable speaker with a 12 min. audio piece where Nygård tells stories and poses questions about ways of understandings one's surroundings. \\ 
 +Photo credits: Frank Holtschlag 
 +====Vertikale Studier==== 
 +**Vertikale Studier** is a collaboration between Espen Sommer Eide and Signe Lidén. Their performance started at dusk with a walk on the paths through the wetland and up to a small hill, where the live recording of a radio show was taking place. In the form of a radio montage, the two performers conducted different sound experiments alongside spoken words and recordings that were played through small speakers placed around in the trees. The sound experiments were interactions with a machine learning model trained on months of audio recordings from the wetland area. The performers used a range of acoustic instruments in order to both play with and search the achieve of sounds. \\ 
 +Documentation- recording of the live radio montage. This is a mixdown from 24 min performance into 16 min. Many thanks to Alexander Rishaug for recording it live.  
 +{{ ::skygger_doku_ax.mp3 |}} 
 +Photo credits: Frank Holtschlag 
 +====Hild Borchgrevink==== 
 +Opening event with a performative speech by **Hild Borchgrevink**. The speech was a series of reflections around the language, histories and origins of the words used in the "Fremmedartslista" - the list of "invasive non-native (alien) plant species" in Norway.  \\ 
 +Photo credits: Jiska Huizing 
 +Under: from the finissage event at Bakkehavn. \\ 
 +Photo credits: Michael Miller 
 +==== Paviljong Våtmark 13.-15 oktober ==== 
 +Se her for fullt [[program_paviljong_vatmark|PROGRAM]] 
 +Vi inviterer til tre dager med kunstprosjekter ved Østensjøvannet. Paviljong Våtmark er et prosjekt hvor kunstnere jobber med de ulike randsonene mellom reservatet og omgivelsene. 
 +Kunsterduoen [[KVAE&BARK|KVAE & BARK]] har observert og kartlagt spiselige vekster i området rundt et karakteristisk seljetre på østsida av vannet og laget en sesongsentistiv flora i form av et plagg du kan ta på deg og bevege deg rundt med. [[Andrea Bakketun]] legger til rette for kaleidoskopiske vandringer til stedet som ruller inn under seg selv. Her blir man blant annet kjent med infrastruktur under bakken, fuglers hørselssans, avfalls-historie og tidløse tilholdssted. [[Geir Tore Holm]] har laget et lite, innvendig bemalt skjul hvor man kan sitte og se på omgivelsene og fuglelivet.\\ På en høyde over Bogerudmyra inviterer prosjektet [[Vertikale Studier]] publikum til å ta del i en live utendørs radiomontasje tiltenkt framtidige radiolyttere: turstienes framtidsskygger. [[Randi Nygård]] er inspirert av fuglekikking og har arbeidet med en hul rot som du kan se gjennom og speiler møter mellom trær, fugler, berg, myr og vann. [[Marie Nerland]] byr på en omvisning på en fotballbane. I overgangene mellom fotballbanen og våtmark, skog, stier og veier vil det bli fortalt fragmenter av historie rundt Østensjøvannet, om hvordan landskapet her har endret seg, om arbeiderhistorie, drabantbyene, utplanting, og om fem kurver med lotusplanter som ble senket ned i vannet. [[Søssa Jørgensen]] undersøker Bogerudbekkens livsindeks, inspirert av japansk shishi-odoshi.\\ [[Hild Borchgrevink]], prosjektets forfatter, skriver i og rundt utviklingen av kunstprosjektene fram mot en kommende publikasjon. Prosjektet og våtmarken har også inspirert et arbeid med fremmedord og tekster om fremmede plantevekster. 
 +Visningene 13.-15 oktober 2022 er også startskuddet for Paviljongs Våtmarksbibliotek, en modell for kunstnerisk (sam-)arbeid der vi undersøker hvordan de kunstneriske arbeidene i Paviljong Våtmark kan reaktiveres for eksempel ett, ti, tretti og femti år frem i tid. Arbeidene vil, slik også randsonene gjør, fungere som en “tidslinse”, ikke bare for hvordan området forandrer seg, men også for endringer i hvordan vi forstår samspillet mellom livsformer i sonen. 
 +TAKK TIL: [[ | Østensjøvannets venner]] og [[ |Besøkssenter Våtmark]], og Bydel Østensjø. 
 +Paviljong Våtmark 2022 er støttet av KORO, Norsk Kulturråd og Kunstnernes Vederlagsfond 
 +====Flyer delt ut på Østensjødagen på Bakkehavn====
 {{:flyer_ostensjodagen_a4_final_web01.jpg?nolink&600|}} {{:flyer_ostensjodagen_a4_final_web01.jpg?nolink&600|}}
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 //Flyer about the project / Photo above: Frank Holtschlag// //Flyer about the project / Photo above: Frank Holtschlag//
-<form> +=====The Wetland Walkinar Audio Guide=====
-Action mail +
-Thanks "Thanks for registering, we will send you an updated program soon!"+
-Fieldset " Please register here to receive program info" +Welcome to join the wetland walkinar audio guide. This guide is based on audio documentation of the walkinar that was taking place June 2022 at Østensjøvannet, Oslo, Norway. The walking seminar was open for public and the contributiors were: [[|Thom van Dooren]], [[|Joanna Lynn Kemp]], [[|Eirik Myrhaug]], [[|Randi Nygård]] and [[|Merve Tabur]]. 
-Textbox  "Your Name"  +Audio documentation is made by Jiska Huizing.
-email "Your E-mail" +
-Textarea  "Note" "x2" !+
-submit "Register" +The walk start a at the [[ | bird observation platform on the west side of the lake]] where Merve Tabur is fabulating around the long-time aspects of the wetland and its possible futures. 
 +{{:wetlans_walkinar_merve.mp3 |}}\\ 
 +[[ | Next stop is on the path next to an old plain marsh]]. Here, artist Randi Nygård, will guide us on a peat-smell-session and tell us what trhis particualr marsh has to do with the Venice Biennale 2022.
 + {{::wetlans_walkinar_myr_randi.mp3 |}}\\ 
 +Now, you need to walk back ca 100 m until you find a path with trunks to step on that leads up towards the [[ | Bogerud stream]]. Here we meet limnologist Joanna Lynn Kemp. She will do kick-samples in the stream and based on her findings, she can determine the current health condition of the stream.  
 +{{::wetlans_walkinar_joanna.mp3 |}}\\ 
 +The walk continues down to and then across the Bogerud swamp to a [[ | stone formation close to Bakkehavn]], where shaman and writer Eirik Myrhaug will share his knowledge about 'sieidditt'. The session is being live- translated by Geir Tore Holm.
 +{{::wetlans_walkinar_eirik.mp3 |}}\\ 
 +Finally, on the hight above Bakkehavn, we will listen to a recorded conversation between field philosopher Thom van Dooren and Randi Nygård. Based on sharing stories about encounters with birds and trees, the conversation explores how different forms of life express meaning.
 +{{::220531-009_randithom_edit.mp3 |}}\\ 
 +The seminar is made in collaboration with [[ | The Oslo School of Environmental Humanities]].
 +Thanks to: [[ | Østensjøvannets venner]] and [[ | Besøkssenter Våtmark]].
 =====Samling/Gathering III===== =====Samling/Gathering III=====
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 //Photo credit: Jiska Huizing// //Photo credit: Jiska Huizing//
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-//Photo credit: Anne Cecilie Brunborg Lie//+//Photo credit: Ase Brunborg Lie//
 **//Søt dessert fra randsonen//:**  **//Søt dessert fra randsonen//:**