===== UPCOMING ===== {{: header_randi_00.jpg?nolink&600|}} \\ * Autumn 2024 - //Opening of the Wetland Library//: Activation of Randi Nygårds work + Launch of Pavilion's field book\\ * Spring 2025 - Activation of Vertikale Studies work\\ * Autumn 2025 - Activation of Søssa Jørgensens work\\ * Spring 2026 - Activation of Kvae&Barks work\\ * Autumn 2026 - Activation of Marie Nerlands work\\ * Spring 2027 - Activation of Geir Tore Holms work\\ * Autumn 2027 - Activation of Andrea Bakketuns work + Launch of the Wetland Library's seven year cycle\\ {{:header_selje_00.jpg?nolink&600 |}}